is strength.

Sport Perfection
Posture Plan

At Posture Doctor, we thrive on helping people reach peak performance in their chosen field. Your enjoyment and performance can improve massively with balanced bio-mechanics and spinal alignment, whether you are training for a 5km fun run, boxing, in the gym or a professional sports person.

We have a great team of Chiropractors and Sports Masseurs working at the practice and can provide you everything you need under the one roof. If you’re serious about being at your best in sport then it’s time for you to get serious about your posture. If you want to improve your performance, reduce the risk of injury or recover from an injury then we’d love to help.

Book a consultation and see how we can help

Many of the injuries that we see from sports are due to spinal and/or pelvic misalignments that interfere with the nerve supply preventing the proper function. Just like a car needs proper wheel alignment to prevent tyres from wearing out unevenly, athletes need an aligned spine to allow their bodies to work smoothly too.

Perform Significantly Better

A misaligned spine often leads to complaints such as shin splints, knee pain, foot/ankle pain, back pain along with various muscle and tendon inflammatory issues. Not only does a nervous system that functions properly help us perform better, it also significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Plan before Pain

Unfortunately many sport performers wait until they have pain before they get checked. We think it’s wise to be proactive and get checked before an injury presents itself and allow the best possible performance.

Individual Posture Performance Plans

The Sport Perfection Posture Performance offers you individual plans or the ability to combine the treatments of all our highly experienced teams of Chiropractors and Sports Masseurs.

Call us today or make an appointment and we will create the perfect posture performance plan unique to your needs.

Book Now

Book your posture plan today and become the best stress free version of you.
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How does it work?

Step 1

A warm welcome awaits

Over the phone, we will quickly discover your initial treatment options, confirm a convenient time and look forward to seeing you in our warm and relaxing practice.

Step 2

The Introductions

When you first arrive at the Posture Doctor, we sit you down and guide you through your health questionnaire and consent forms.

Step 3

Informal Chat

We will chat with you at length about your problem. We will listen to all you have to tell us about your condition, past medical history and any worries or concerns you have so we can build up a clear picture of what has been going on for you and how you got to this point.

Step 4

Posture Check

We then move on to examine you physically, testing your range of movement, function and muscle strength, amongst other things. Only when we have a clear idea of what is happening will we make our diagnosis and create a clear treatment plan.

Step 5

Your Posture Plan

We will tell you our findings using diagrams and skeletal models to explain things clearly to you, making sure you understand exactly what is happening to your body and what we intend to do about it. We will also tell you about the various risk factors in your lifestyle that have led to your body developing this condition.

Step 6

Your Posture Treatment

There are hundreds of different techniques our expert Chiropractors can use. Treatment is, therefore, adapted individually to you depending on your age, condition and lifestyle factors. We aim to get you back to your perfect posture so you can continue to do all the things you love.

Pricing Structure

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